Monday, August 15, 2011


My boss asked me today if I had any baby news. She said I looked different. I was wearing contacts and was a little tan/sun burned. She didn't think so... she said I had a glow about me. I honestly think it was the refreshing time away from the stress of life. We didn't do much of anything but wander, swim, lay around, read, enjoy each others company, eat good food (very good food), drink good wine and local beer, shop, talk, and were away from phones and computers (as best I could- I was worried about the dog alone in the house who was being checked on my a friend a few times a day).

The topic of babies as well as more babies came up but for the most part we didn't stress. We laughed that 7 years ago when we met 7 years seemed so far away (7 years is when DH would auto corporal meaning a promotion). Our wedding 4 years ago seems almost as long ago as 7 years. Sometimes I wish I had been more insistent that we try having children sooner; however I also know the outcome of how we would create our family wouldn't be different. I know though that trying sooner would have made decisions harder - save for a house or a baby, stay in a job I hate and have a baby or change jobs and have no baby. We also are in a place financially as well as with greater life experience have greater maturity which all will make parenting easier. Knowing this does not make me wish any less that we already had a baby it makes me hope that things happen a certain way for a reason. 7 years from now hopefully I'll two babies one in school and it will seem like 7 years wasn't that far away and time will have flown past. 7 years from now I will also likely day dream of carefree vacations.

I'd like to think that my glow was more then a vacation but I know better then that. Maybe adoptive mom's glow before "the phone call"?

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