So the books I exchanged the baby book for were:
Tell Me Again about the day I was born - I think the most well known adoption book and I've heard it highly recommended a few different places. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Two Kinds of Love - A children's book based on the poem Legacy of an Adopted Child. I fell in love with the poem the minute I read it. If you look at the comments section of my post "Legacy of An Adopted Child there is a link to a woman who sought out the source of the poem apparently it was in Teen Magazine in the 80's written by a girl named Penny- who knows if this is true but the poem is perfect. I actually like the poem so much I might frame it and hang it in the nursery.
The Day we Met You- know little about the book but it seemed nice and it fit the price range I needed.
I'll let you all know what I think about them once I get them. I got a chance to buy a book for a friends daughter for her birthday. I was so excited to read the book to DH who had never heard it before. Books I read as a child still bring me excitement... Hungry Hungry Caterpillar, Caps for Sale, Anne of Green Gables (my dad would read this to us), Little House on the Prairie (my older sister loved these I could have done with out). I honestly think one of the things I look forward to most starting from day one is read every night to my baby (I have books in the hospital bag :) ). Children's books are so amazing.
I'll let you all know what I think about them once I get them. I got a chance to buy a book for a friends daughter for her birthday. I was so excited to read the book to DH who had never heard it before. Books I read as a child still bring me excitement... Hungry Hungry Caterpillar, Caps for Sale, Anne of Green Gables (my dad would read this to us), Little House on the Prairie (my older sister loved these I could have done with out). I honestly think one of the things I look forward to most starting from day one is read every night to my baby (I have books in the hospital bag :) ). Children's books are so amazing.
Kelsey Stewart has a book called "The Best For You" and it's INCREDIBLE. She's a birth mom and wrote it for adopted children to know that their birth mothers placed them into their adoptive family's arms because they wanted them to have the best possible life. It's beautifully written. You can find Kelsey's FB page and she will even send a free autographed copy if you ask. She's such a wonderful person and has a wonderful blog too!!